• Please Make Note:  Specific requirements for making reservation of occupancy.
  • Making a reservation.
  • How Conformation for a request of reservation occurs.
  • Self Check-in  and  Self Check-out times.
  • Calendar for availability dates.


Please Make Note: 

  • The person who is responsible for making reservations for a unit on the property must be at least 25 year of age. 
  • The person making the reservations must also be the main participant in occupying the premises during the scheduled time of reservation.
  • Anyone who is found renting a unit on the premises that do not match the above requirements will be removed from the property.
  • The maximum number of people allowed to be registered for occupancy in the unit is 6.
  • No pets allowed.


Making Reservations

  • To make reservations, email your request to pnslonaker@gmail.com for you desired date(s) of occupancy.
  • When making your request, please write and submit the following pieces of information in your email.
    • The full name of the person who will be responsible for the making the reservation of the condo unit.
    • A confirmatory statement that states that the person making the reservation is at least 25 years of age and will be occupying the condo unit during the scheduled reservation date(s).
    • Indicate the total number of adults who will be occupying the unit during the stay, including the person making the reservations.
    • Indicate the total number of children who will be occupying the unit during the stay.


"John Smith is requesting to reserved condo unit 107 from  6/1  to  6/4.

I am at least 25 years of age, and I will be occupying the unit during my requested stay. 

During my stay, their will be a total of  2 adults, including myself, and 1 children."


  • Please include any contact phone/ text number for emergency purposes if possible.

** This email serves as a record for the condo association and the board's record of occupancy on the premise.


Confirmation of Reservation Request

  • The same sender email used to make the request will also be used to send a conformation of the requested day(s) for occupancy.
  • Once a request is made by way of email, it will be review against other request for the same day(s).  The request will be granted according to the date/time the email was received; on a first-come first-served basis. 

Example of Confirmation Letter - Only the first part

"Hello John Smith,

Confirming your reservation for Thursday, June 01 until Sunday, June 04.  

Three (3) Nights / Days

    Please arrive no sooner than 2:00 pm on Thursday, June 01.

    Please depart no later than 1:00 pm on Sunday, June 04."


There will be every attempt to update the calendars (below) promptly to give the most current available days for your selection.  This will avoid you being asked to select another time for your reservation.


** You may make a request to reserve date(s) in person, but the reservation request email, as instructed above, will still need to be sent for documentation as required by the condo's association and board.


Self Check-In  and  Self Check-Out

  • Self Check-In:  Please do not check into the condo unit before 2:00 pm on your scheduled arrival date. 
  • Self Check-Out:  Please do not remain in the condo unit past 1:00 pm on your scheduled departure date. 
    • Those who have booked their stay for August, prior to July 18, Self Check-Out will remain at 5:00 pm according to the previous schedule.

Please review the Your Stay page for more information for your Arrive and Departure protocol.



  • Days available for reservation typical run between Tuesdays through Sundays (6 days per week).  
  • Mondays will normally be scheduled as "Not Available" for weekly care of  the unit and supplies, unless other arrangements can be made.
  • Attentive Last Date for unit to be available is on Thursday, October 12, 2023.